CPR & AED First Aid Certification – Which One Do You Require?

If you are confused about the difference between CPR and AED, then you are not alone. People willing to enroll in a CPR or First Aid Course wonder how each course is unique and which one of them is essential to learn first.

CPR and AED are two different life-saving techniques. But when used together, they are the most effective ways to save a person from sudden cardiac arrest. These two techniques, CPR and AED are covered together in first aid courses. But if you are unsure about the difference between the two, and when to use each method, we can clear your cloud of confusion.

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CPR and AED First Aid Certification – What’s The Difference?

CPR, known as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is a first-aid technique where an individual repeatedly compresses the victim’s chest to stimulate blood flow and provide an artificial heartbeat. This method is used for someone who has experienced sudden cardiac arrest, which is when a person’s heart suddenly stops beating. By undergoing CPR AED First Aid Certification you will be able to impart the right procedure that will help prevent the patient’s organs from dying.

An AED is a portable device that provides electric shocks which can be used to restart the heart. When CPR is used with AED, it significantly increases a person’s chances of survival. AEDs are very well designed and a person with proper certification or experience can effectively use AEDs to save someone’s life.

In short, CPR is a procedure to keep the blood pumping when the heart stops and an AED is a device that will get the heart started again after it stops.

So Which One Should You be Trained in?

The answer is – both! The CPR AED First Aid Certification Online goes hand in hand as both are needed to save lives in cardiac crises. One can perform basic CPR by pumping the chest. However, if you want to provide the most effective care possible, further training and certification are required. Using both CPR and AED increases the success rate of a victim’s survival.

Online CPR AED First Aid Certification

Fortunately, you can now enroll yourself in online CPR AED First Aid Certification that will cover both CPR and AED Training Courses. Along with traditional CPR instructions, all CPR Courses today include training on AED. As CPR and AED are joint steps in saving someone’s life, with proper training and certification online, anyone can learn the techniques that can be the difference between life and death. For example, if you are a healthcare provider and looking for a healthcare-related certification course, make sure that the course you enroll in should be a CPR AED First Aid Certification Course to give you the most effective training possible. This will give you the best chances of success in helping during an emergency cardiac crisis.

To know what to look for in an Online Certification Course, you first need to understand the difference between CPR and AED and know why they are an essential component in First Aid Training. An Online CPR AED First Aid Certification will give you confidence in your abilities and the knowledge that will help you save lives in the event of a mishap.


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