Why Babysitters Must Have CPR Training Online

Taking care of kids, be it a part of your profession such as babysitting or a requisite in everyday life, is a very critical responsibility you’ll ever face.

Whether you’re taking care of your own kid, caring for a brother or sister’s child, or babysitting for someone else, your main accountability as a caretaker is focusing on the health, welfare and safety of the children you’re looking after. That’s why it becomes really important for you to get CPR Training Online and learn basic first aid techniques.

Is CPR the Same for Children?

Though the basics may look quite similar, it’s critical to keep in mind that young kids and adults may need a different level of care. If you’re taking care of infants or toddlers, you must ensure your Online CPR Training covers cardiopulmonary resuscitation customized those age groups. Kids are generally quite susceptible to choking related issues, so when parents hire babysitters, the 1st thing they’ve to take into account is how capable the caretaker is at tackling emergency situations. 

Can he/she put on a bandage, provide first aid, and conduct a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation on a toddler in need? Though choking is the most common reason why a kid’s heartbeat may stop, some other reasons you may need to perform CPR on a child include:

  • Suffocation
  • Lung Disease
  • Serious Injury or Head Trauma
  • Blood Infection
  • Poisoning
  • Drowning
  • Electrical Shocks

Why babysitters must get CPR Training Online?

Most babysitters think it’s not their responsibility to know these kills, as if an emergency happens, they can call 911 and ask a trained paramedic to conduct CPR. However, what most of them forget is that even in the best of situations, it’ll take an ambulance as long as 12 minutes to respond to an emergency call.

As per medical research, inside 4 minutes of an arrest, the brain tissue of an individual starts to die, and after ten minutes that damage is generally considered to be irreparable. More than 95 percent of all victims who undergo cardiac arrest will pass away before they ever have an opportunity to reach the hospital, and while time is being spent waiting for emergency care to arise, the odds of an infant surviving an attack starts to fall quickly.

Being a provider of child care, you must take accountability to do everything you can to make sure the safety of the kids that are under your observation. With Online CPR Training, you can be the difference between life and death of the child you are looking after.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your CPR Training Online today with a CPR Professor.


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